International  Centre
Intuitive Healing

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Diet as a prevention and medicine.
  I would like to introduce you to new and most effective Individual Food Plan.
  This is a very unique method which gives unlimited possibbilities to apply:
     -  Prevention
     -  Treatment ( "food as a medicine" - Hippocrates)
     -  Speeding up recovery (cost saving to be healthy again)
     -  Keep suggested weight (without taking drugs)
     -  Gaining suggested weight (fighting anorexia and obesity)
     -  Eliminate unhealthy products from meals (for example because of overdose)
  It is wise to check:
     -  How and if your diet affects strenght of your body? 
     -  What to eat so that you stay or become a healthy person?
     -  Which products are the best for you while you are sick?
  I will answer these questions on an individual basis.
  My gift allows me to feel how any product influences you physically and emotionally and then you
  will have a prepared personal menu with the most beneficial meals. I will also tell you which
  herbs, supplements or vitamins that you take are accepted by your body and when is the best
  time to take them, and you will know if they are beneficial, neutral or unhealthy for you.

I'm here to help you
Leszek Richmond