Usage Statistics for

Summary Period: July 2008
Generated 29-Jul-2008 04:22 EDT

[Daily Statistics] [Hourly Statistics] [URLs] [Entry] [Exit] [Sites] [Referrers] [Search] [Agents] [Countries]

Monthly Statistics for July 2008
Total Hits 2754
Total Files 1782
Total Pages 2174
Total Visits 770
Total KBytes 34589
Total Unique Sites 295
Total Unique URLs 53
Total Unique Referrers 97
Total Unique User Agents 102
. Avg Max
Hits per Hour 3 198
Hits per Day 94 286
Files per Day 61 204
Pages per Day 74 266
Visits per Day 26 60
KBytes per Day 1193 3646
Hits by Response Code
Code 200 - OK 1782
Code 206 - Partial Content 19
Code 302 - Found 8
Code 304 - Not Modified 161
Code 400 - Bad Request 37
Code 404 - Not Found 747

Daily usage for July 2008

Daily Statistics for July 2008
Day Hits Files Pages Visits Sites KBytes
1 73 2.65% 48 2.69% 54 2.48% 36 4.68% 19 6.44% 840 2.43%
2 167 6.06% 105 5.89% 121 5.57% 60 7.79% 22 7.46% 1645 4.76%
3 104 3.78% 71 3.98% 79 3.63% 32 4.16% 20 6.78% 1312 3.79%
4 158 5.74% 121 6.79% 135 6.21% 31 4.03% 20 6.78% 1910 5.52%
5 65 2.36% 35 1.96% 47 2.16% 24 3.12% 16 5.42% 574 1.66%
6 162 5.88% 125 7.01% 138 6.35% 42 5.45% 34 11.53% 2720 7.86%
7 81 2.94% 48 2.69% 53 2.44% 25 3.25% 24 8.14% 967 2.80%
8 66 2.40% 35 1.96% 44 2.02% 27 3.51% 26 8.81% 661 1.91%
9 125 4.54% 83 4.66% 102 4.69% 29 3.77% 23 7.80% 1635 4.73%
10 55 2.00% 27 1.52% 36 1.66% 25 3.25% 23 7.80% 489 1.42%
11 125 4.54% 95 5.33% 105 4.83% 25 3.25% 19 6.44% 1944 5.62%
12 90 3.27% 68 3.82% 72 3.31% 26 3.38% 18 6.10% 991 2.86%
13 76 2.76% 48 2.69% 56 2.58% 37 4.81% 40 13.56% 1110 3.21%
14 55 2.00% 37 2.08% 41 1.89% 18 2.34% 13 4.41% 853 2.47%
15 60 2.18% 37 2.08% 43 1.98% 14 1.82% 12 4.07% 1024 2.96%
16 52 1.89% 31 1.74% 36 1.66% 20 2.60% 17 5.76% 504 1.46%
17 38 1.38% 18 1.01% 22 1.01% 16 2.08% 14 4.75% 373 1.08%
18 66 2.40% 42 2.36% 46 2.12% 22 2.86% 17 5.76% 728 2.11%
19 51 1.85% 24 1.35% 36 1.66% 19 2.47% 15 5.08% 565 1.63%
20 102 3.70% 63 3.54% 75 3.45% 29 3.77% 21 7.12% 1591 4.60%
21 93 3.38% 62 3.48% 68 3.13% 28 3.64% 22 7.46% 1229 3.55%
22 150 5.45% 110 6.17% 126 5.80% 32 4.16% 25 8.47% 2375 6.87%
23 54 1.96% 37 2.08% 43 1.98% 22 2.86% 9 3.05% 844 2.44%
24 105 3.81% 76 4.26% 89 4.09% 33 4.29% 17 5.76% 1555 4.50%
25 141 5.12% 36 2.02% 124 5.70% 29 3.77% 21 7.12% 647 1.87%
26 59 2.14% 36 2.02% 48 2.21% 16 2.08% 13 4.41% 609 1.76%
27 75 2.72% 50 2.81% 56 2.58% 24 3.12% 19 6.44% 1067 3.09%
28 286 10.38% 204 11.45% 266 12.24% 26 3.38% 18 6.10% 3646 10.54%
29 20 0.73% 10 0.56% 13 0.60% 5 0.65% 6 2.03% 180 0.52%

Hourly usage for July 2008

Hourly Statistics for July 2008
Hour Hits Files Pages KBytes
Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total
0 2 61 2.21% 1 36 2.02% 1 47 2.16% 23 669 1.93%
1 3 111 4.03% 2 72 4.04% 2 79 3.63% 48 1381 3.99%
2 5 149 5.41% 3 99 5.56% 3 105 4.83% 67 1952 5.64%
3 4 143 5.19% 2 77 4.32% 3 92 4.23% 63 1840 5.32%
4 2 61 2.21% 1 29 1.63% 1 39 1.79% 21 623 1.80%
5 3 107 3.89% 2 70 3.93% 2 81 3.73% 42 1218 3.52%
6 4 126 4.58% 3 92 5.16% 3 104 4.78% 64 1853 5.36%
7 2 83 3.01% 1 56 3.14% 2 60 2.76% 39 1124 3.25%
8 2 59 2.14% 1 40 2.24% 1 42 1.93% 24 696 2.01%
9 3 96 3.49% 1 49 2.75% 2 76 3.50% 45 1312 3.79%
10 4 136 4.94% 3 100 5.61% 3 112 5.15% 66 1925 5.56%
11 2 64 2.32% 1 33 1.85% 1 42 1.93% 18 523 1.51%
12 3 93 3.38% 2 65 3.65% 2 74 3.40% 41 1175 3.40%
13 3 112 4.07% 2 70 3.93% 2 85 3.91% 44 1286 3.72%
14 4 132 4.79% 3 98 5.50% 3 112 5.15% 70 2025 5.85%
15 3 112 4.07% 2 85 4.77% 3 92 4.23% 55 1594 4.61%
16 5 161 5.85% 3 113 6.34% 4 123 5.66% 92 2682 7.75%
17 6 191 6.94% 5 150 8.42% 5 165 7.59% 88 2563 7.41%
18 2 82 2.98% 1 51 2.86% 2 63 2.90% 40 1163 3.36%
19 2 62 2.25% 1 36 2.02% 1 41 1.89% 22 626 1.81%
20 9 281 10.20% 7 203 11.39% 9 261 12.01% 121 3519 10.17%
21 3 88 3.20% 1 56 3.14% 2 72 3.31% 35 1018 2.94%
22 6 190 6.90% 2 68 3.82% 5 167 7.68% 41 1190 3.44%
23 1 54 1.96% 1 34 1.91% 1 40 1.84% 22 635 1.84%

Top 30 of 53 Total URLs
# Hits KBytes URL
1 424 15.40% 4242 12.26% /
2 165 5.99% 6034 17.44% /
3 67 2.43% 3193 9.23% /
4 61 2.21% 1249 3.61% /
5 60 2.18% 843 2.44% /
6 59 2.14% 645 1.86% /
7 59 2.14% 1643 4.75% /
8 58 2.11% 497 1.44% /main.html
9 50 1.82% 3992 11.54% /Tajemnice
10 50 1.82% 527 1.52% /remedia.html
11 47 1.71% 374 1.08% /prelekcje.html
12 46 1.67% 748 2.16% /
13 44 1.60% 390 1.13% /
14 42 1.53% 606 1.75% /
15 41 1.49% 588 1.70% /
16 39 1.42% 419 1.21%
17 38 1.38% 336 0.97% /
18 37 1.34% 541 1.57% /
19 34 1.23% 595 1.72% /
20 34 1.23% 365 1.06%
21 30 1.09% 415 1.20% /Payment.html
22 28 1.02% 179 0.52% /ethics.html
23 27 0.98% 238 0.69% /Interestinglinks.html
24 27 0.98% 374 1.08% /Intuitive.html
25 26 0.94% 279 0.81% /Library.html
26 25 0.91% 205 0.59% /diet.html
27 24 0.87% 168 0.49% /Medicine.html
28 23 0.84% 919 2.66% /Inspirations.html
29 23 0.84% 753 2.18% /Interview.html
30 23 0.84% 186 0.54% /Lectures.html

Top 10 of 53 Total URLs By KBytes
# Hits KBytes URL
1 165 5.99% 6034 17.44% /
2 424 15.40% 4242 12.26% /
3 50 1.82% 3992 11.54% /Tajemnice
4 67 2.43% 3193 9.23% /
5 59 2.14% 1643 4.75% /
6 61 2.21% 1249 3.61% /
7 23 0.84% 919 2.66% /Inspirations.html
8 60 2.18% 843 2.44% /
9 23 0.84% 753 2.18% /Interview.html
10 46 1.67% 748 2.16% /

Top 10 of 42 Total Entry Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 424 15.40% 317 42.78% /
2 165 5.99% 40 5.40% /
3 34 1.23% 32 4.32%
4 67 2.43% 25 3.37% /
5 50 1.82% 24 3.24% /Tajemnice
6 61 2.21% 21 2.83% /
7 58 2.11% 18 2.43% /main.html
8 59 2.14% 14 1.89% /
9 44 1.60% 13 1.75% /
10 59 2.14% 13 1.75% /

Top 10 of 42 Total Exit Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 424 15.40% 195 26.60% /
2 165 5.99% 54 7.37% /
3 39 1.42% 36 4.91%
4 61 2.21% 27 3.68% /
5 67 2.43% 26 3.55% /
6 50 1.82% 25 3.41% /Tajemnice
7 60 2.18% 23 3.14% /
8 59 2.14% 22 3.00% /
9 59 2.14% 20 2.73% /
10 58 2.11% 20 2.73% /main.html

Top 30 of 295 Total Sites
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 487 17.68% 348 19.53% 5093 14.73% 75 9.74%
2 87 3.16% 57 3.20% 1104 3.19% 57 7.40%
3 87 3.16% 7 0.39% 173 0.50% 1 0.13%
4 80 2.90% 57 3.20% 845 2.44% 10 1.30%
5 78 2.83% 52 2.92% 566 1.64% 26 3.38%
6 72 2.61% 49 2.75% 838 2.42% 33 4.29%
7 56 2.03% 40 2.24% 920 2.66% 9 1.17%
8 50 1.82% 45 2.53% 884 2.56% 1 0.13%
9 46 1.67% 38 2.13% 654 1.89% 5 0.65%
10 44 1.60% 30 1.68% 518 1.50% 15 1.95%
11 42 1.53% 37 2.08% 679 1.96% 1 0.13%
12 39 1.42% 26 1.46% 561 1.62% 3 0.39%
13 38 1.38% 0 0.00% 11 0.03% 0 0.00%
14 35 1.27% 25 1.40% 512 1.48% 23 2.99%
15 32 1.16% 25 1.40% 386 1.12% 2 0.26%
16 31 1.13% 21 1.18% 484 1.40% 6 0.78%
17 28 1.02% 19 1.07% 305 0.88% 1 0.13%
18 28 1.02% 26 1.46% 617 1.78% 2 0.26%
19 25 0.91% 16 0.90% 337 0.97% 15 1.95%
20 24 0.87% 5 0.28% 118 0.34% 12 1.56%
21 24 0.87% 20 1.12% 424 1.23% 3 0.39%
22 23 0.84% 10 0.56% 234 0.68% 13 1.69%
23 22 0.80% 2 0.11% 21 0.06% 11 1.43%
24 21 0.76% 3 0.17% 15 0.04% 12 1.56%
25 21 0.76% 20 1.12% 527 1.52% 1 0.13%
26 20 0.73% 16 0.90% 333 0.96% 2 0.26%
27 20 0.73% 18 1.01% 421 1.22% 1 0.13%
28 20 0.73% 17 0.95% 465 1.34% 1 0.13%
29 18 0.65% 1 0.06% 17 0.05% 9 1.17%
30 18 0.65% 10 0.56% 91 0.26% 11 1.43%

Top 10 of 295 Total Sites By KBytes
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 487 17.68% 348 19.53% 5093 14.73% 75 9.74%
2 87 3.16% 57 3.20% 1104 3.19% 57 7.40%
3 56 2.03% 40 2.24% 920 2.66% 9 1.17%
4 50 1.82% 45 2.53% 884 2.56% 1 0.13%
5 80 2.90% 57 3.20% 845 2.44% 10 1.30%
6 72 2.61% 49 2.75% 838 2.42% 33 4.29%
7 42 1.53% 37 2.08% 679 1.96% 1 0.13%
8 46 1.67% 38 2.13% 654 1.89% 5 0.65%
9 28 1.02% 26 1.46% 617 1.78% 2 0.26%
10 78 2.83% 52 2.92% 566 1.64% 26 3.38%

Top 30 of 97 Total Referrers
# Hits Referrer
1 1893 68.74% - (Direct Request)
2 43 1.56%
3 16 0.58%
4 13 0.47%
5 11 0.40%
6 5 0.18%
7 5 0.18%
8 4 0.15%
9 4 0.15%
10 4 0.15%
11 4 0.15%
12 4 0.15%
13 3 0.11%
14 3 0.11%
15 3 0.11%
16 2 0.07%,0,3,bioenergoterapeuci,k.html
17 2 0.07%
18 2 0.07%,1435,p,23
19 2 0.07%
20 1 0.04%
21 1 0.04%
22 1 0.04%
23 1 0.04%,0,3,bioenergoterapeuci,k.html
24 1 0.04%
25 1 0.04%
26 1 0.04%
27 1 0.04%
28 1 0.04%
29 1 0.04%
30 1 0.04%

Top 13 of 13 Total Search Strings
# Hits Search String
1 8 34.78% leszek richmond
2 4 17.39% bioenergotherapy
3 1 4.35% bioenergoterapeuta
4 1 4.35% bioenergotherapy in chicago
5 1 4.35% bolacy lokiec
6 1 4.35% fazy księżyca a termin operacji
7 1 4.35% gabinet bioenergoterapii
8 1 4.35% jak mozna dlugo brac laki homeopatyczne\
9 1 4.35% leszek richmond healer
10 1 4.35% swędzenie ręki przepowiednie
11 1 4.35% uzdrowiciel
12 1 4.35% what is bioenergotherapy
13 1 4.35% www.leszek kanada

Top 15 of 102 Total User Agents
# Hits User Agent
1 497 18.05% ShopWiki/1.0 ( +
2 291 10.57% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Yahoo! Slurp;
3 203 7.37% msnbot/1.1 (+
4 143 5.19% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Googlebot/2.1; +
5 127 4.61% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.1; .NET CLR 2
6 112 4.07% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 6.0; SLCC1; .NE
7 110 3.99% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:
8 95 3.45% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.1; .NET CLR 1
9 88 3.20% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; .NET
10 87 3.16% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.1)
11 66 2.40% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; pl; rv: Gec
12 50 1.82% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; WebDataCentreBot/1.0; +http://WebDat
13 42 1.53% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.2)
14 42 1.53% holmes/3.12 (OnetSzukaj/5.0; +
15 38 1.38% Mozilla/5.0 (Twiceler-0.9

Usage by Country for July 2008

Top 1 of 1 Total Countries
# Hits Files KBytes Country
1 2754 100.00% 1801 101.07% 34589 100.00% Unresolved/Unknown

Generated by Webalizer Version 2.01